Saturday 14 February 2009

Botany. The Professor's Love Story.

In a garden, cool and shady,
On a lovely summer day;
Walked a dainty little lady,
Airy, fairy, light and gay:
The Professor did address her,
(Such a learned man was he;)
First, the weather, then together
There they studied – Botany.

Sunny hours, ‘mid the flowers,
Modest violet, blushing rose;
Maiden yearning, man of learning,
Not so old as you’d suppose:
As he taught her, oft he thought her
Queen of roses, white or red;
And the maiden, knowledge laden,
Hung on every word he said.

Ere the summer days were ended
Many subjects studied they,
Till the two extremes were blended: -
He so grave, and she so gay:
To Matriculate she studied,
And his equal longed to be;
Well! she got as far as Matri-
But, ‘twas Matri-mony.

Arnold Beresford, 1909 (London: Novello and Company)

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